Very blue
Tonight, we went to Astor Palace Theatre to see a show called Blue Man Group. The performance consists of unconventional forms of percusion, creating the sounds of a drum with hard plastic pipelines. The three stars of the show were dressed in black and wore a blue paint face mask. The ceilings of the theatre were covered with colored pipes and the stage was decorated with black lights and glow-in-the-dark paint.

The sounds of bang, bum, drum drum drum bang bum boom babapa boom surrounded us. My mouth fell open and stayed that way for most of the show. The blue men poured red and yellow paint on their drums, so when they played them, the paint splashed and made a colored spectacle on stage!
At one point, the three men came off stage and started to walk among the audience. They came towards us. And from the ceiling they pulled on tens of toilet paper rolls that covered us, and the rolls would never end, and paper continued to roll down on us, and then we got up and started pulling toilet paper ourselves and covering each other with it while lights flicked on and off and the black lights made us all glow in the dark to the sounds of percusion.
Here's the proof. Toilet paper covered me up to my nose. When the show ended and I tried to get up, I was tied down by meters and meters of toilet paper around my arms and my neck. A blue Saturday night can't get any better!
I want to go with you! Radio City Christmas Spectacular!
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